World Heart Day 2021: Doctors say that about 75% of the population below the age of 50 are at risk of heart attack. In such a situation, ignoring heart problems and complications can prove fatal.
Today (13 October) ‘World Heart Day 2021' is celebrated all over the world. Heart is a very important part of our body. If there is a slight disturbance in it, the risk of heart diseases increases. Recently a study was conducted by medical professionals across the country. In this, doctors say that about 75% of the population under the age of 50 is at risk of heart attack. In such a situation, ignoring heart problems and complications can prove fatal.
25% of Indians below 40 years at risk of heart attack
The study said that about 25% of Indians below the age of 40 are at risk of having a heart attack or suffering from any other serious heart-related complication. This risk may increase to 50% of the population between the ages of 40 and 50. Doctors say that healthy eating and active life should be encouraged among the Indian youth and middle-aged population.
Causes of Heart Diseases
- Increase in stress level and improper lifestyle are two major reasons for the rise in heart related diseases. Dr. M. Sai Sudhakar, Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Gleneagles Global Hospital says that cases of stress are increasing. Social problems along with personal issues are the major reasons for people suffering from mental stress. It has a direct effect on the heart. Men are more prone to this problem.
- Dr. V. Hariram, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, SLG Hospitals says that people in USA consume more trans fat. Also, poor lifestyle, irregular working hours, alcohol consumption, smoking and tobacco use increase the risk of heart disease and such persons are very vulnerable.
- Heart Attack Causes can also come due to hormonal imbalance. People suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease can fall prey to it. In such a situation, it is important not to ignore any early warning signs of a possible heart problem and contact the doctor in time.
Healthy Habits by Experts for a Healthy Heart
- Rajeev Garg, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital says that the youth will have to improve their food habits.
- Each person's body is different and has a different ability to reduce stress, but it is important to maintain a proper lifestyle and be physically active. This can reduce the risk of heart attack.
- People should not ignore the early warning signs like breathlessness, chest pain, excessive sweating, dizziness etc. Treatment should be started on time.
- People who are obese and those with pre-existing health complications should quit smoking. Stop consuming alcohol.
- Young people below the age of 30 who have a family history of heart diseases at home should have regular medical check-ups.